A community loving Biblical Truth

Our desire is to be a Church built on the truth of Jesus Christ and His word. This truth saves us from death, frees us from the power of sin and continues to change us every day.

A community of God’s Presence

As Christ Church, we want to be a people who have a loving, personal and intimate relationship with God. Who are a passionate community of worshipers, hungry to experience (and not merely just believe in) His presence daily and praising God in Spirit and in truth. 

A community Sharing Christ

Christ Church is committed to love and reach those who don’t know Christ. We believe the Church exists to continue the work of Jesus who still saves people from sin, heals the sick, mends broken hearts and cares for the poor. Our desire is to be a people that share the love of Jesus wherever we go and with everyone we meet.

A community Humbly serving

Christ Church we are committed to a being people who reflect both the purpose and the character of Christ.  We aim to do this by using the spiritual gifts, talents, abilities, resources, passions and the creativity that Jesus has given us.  Both for the benefit of others inside and outside the church.

A community that’s Authentic 

Finally our desire is to be a loving community that expresses God’s awesome love.  CCB will be a place where people can belong first and then have an opportunity to believe with us.  We are building a community founded on the grace of Jesus Christ, where we can be loved and accepted and let down our walls, no matter how messy our lives are.