“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”

– 1 Peter 4:10

Christ Came To Serve

When Jesus Christ stood up, wrapped a towel around His waist and washed His disciples’ dirty feet, He forever defined the character of a true servant. Here’s the Son of God, Creator of the universe, breaking through human history and becoming a servant.  But He didn’t stop there, Jesus left the comfort of heaven and endured the depravity of earth just so He could sacrificially give His life away to redeem your sins on a rugged Roman cross.
“One of the principal rules of religion is, to lose no occasion of serving God. And, since he is invisible to our eyes, we are to serve him in our neighbour; which he receives as if done to himself in person, standing visibly before us. “ – John Wesley
God, through his grace, gives spiritual gifts to all Christians. Though deserving only God’s curse, God blesses each Christian with the privilege of building his church by using their abilities for his glory.

“Whoever would be great among you must be your servant.”

– Mark10:43

“Even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” 

– Mark 10:45

How can I serve on Sunday?

  • Set up/Pack down –  Logistics matter! These teams work behind the scenes, setting up and packing down. They make gatherings safe, accessible and possible.  
  • Production team –  (visuals, sound and recording).  Jesus instructed his followers to “proclaim on the housetops” all that he taught them. The production team uses sound and video technology to maximize the clarity and reach of the gospel.
  • Children –  (under 12’s) Children are gifts from God, not only to their families but to the church. Our children’s teams send the gospel into the future by loving, caring for, and teaching our kids. We have very strict rules on who can serve on these teams, but if you would like to join a children’s team see Tomi and Jennie.
  • Hospitality   Finding your place in a new church can be challenging. Those who serve on the Hospitality teams are there to be a friendly face for those looking in on our church community.  Whether its greeting guests at the door or preparing and offering someone a hot drink. This team is vital for helping all who visit feel at ease.
  • Worship –  Worship is giving God the glory he alone deserves. The worship team uses their unique skills to encourage the church to respond to God’s love with grateful praise.
Without people like you making up all these teams and others across the church, none of what we do would be possible.  If you are interested in helping out in any of these teams please Message Ben Read.