Broken Fingers Aligned

After not having played the piano for over 20 years, 6 months into resuming playing in the worship band, I had an accident at work where I tripped over a ramp in the dark. The entrance ramps to every office building have since been painted with luminescent paint.  I broke a bone in my right hand and was put in a cast for 6 weeks. I knew it was an attack from the enemy as I had only started to feel comfortable playing again. When the cast came off, my third and fourth fingers were not in line with my first two fingers. I couldn’t bend them and had no strength in them, they looked a bit deformed. Andrea, one of the church leaders who is a physiotherapist, measured the strength of each hand – my left measured a weight of 16kg, my right was only 6kg, and my right being my dominant hand.  I was saddened by this realisation but I didn’t allow bitterness to creep in. I accepted the possibility that I wasn’t going to play to the same ability as before but said to God as long as He could still use me then I would play what I could.

” As I stretched out my hand, I noticed my two ‘bent’ fingers were aligned with the other two!”

A friend invited me to an event in Manchester ‘When Friends Pray’. On the day I was feeling extremely tired, it was an event that was running for 5 hours straight. 2 hours in I was struggling to focus and concentrate, even stay awake! I went to get a coffee and asked God to help me tune into all that was going on. I didn’t feel connected and it was bothering me.  A word had been given about ‘alignment’ – I didn’t make any connection. Then the lady leading the meeting (ImisiOluwa Owolabi) asked us to stretch our hands out to pray for the person on the stage. As I stretched out my hand, I noticed my two ‘bent’ fingers were aligned with the other two! I was in shock, I began to cry, and the usher came along to ask me to come to the front and give my testimony.  I explained about my fall, the broken bone, and that my fingers weren’t straight and had no strength.  I couldn’t stretch more than five keys on the piano when I had been used to stretching them up to ten previously.

” As I stretched out my hand, I noticed my two ‘bent’ fingers were aligned with the other two!”

ImisiOluwa said to the group ‘and she didn’t even ask for healing’. I looked at her with my mouth wide open as she was right – I hadn’t even asked God ! I fell to my knees and began crying again.

I explained I played the piano, she asked me to go over to the keyboard to see if I could play and stretch an octave to ten keys like I used to be able to …. and I could do it!  She said God had spoken to her about me and that she was going to ask me to come to the front for prayer at the end of the meeting. She prayed and prophesied that God was going to give me songs!  I went back to church and asked Andrea to measure my strength again – my left was 14kg this time, and my right measured a weight of 16kg!  My ability to play was restored to how it was before the accident, and my faith ignited and elevated where I won’t ever be the same again – a true miracle, all glory to Jesus!