Why get baptised?

Because JESUS was baptised (Matthew 3:16) and He asks all who follow him to do the same. Baptism is an act of obedience, in line with Jesus’ instructions, symbolising a life surrendered to God. Jesus’ baptism shows His love for us as He identified with humanity.

Who should get baptised?

The Bible says “repent and be baptised” (Acts 2:38).  Baptism therefore is for anyone who has put their faith in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, repented of their sins and wants to live for Christ.

If you would like to get baptised please speak to us

What is the significance of water baptism?

Water baptism is a public declaration of three very important things:

1. You are a follower of Jesus Christ. “Those who accepted his message were baptised” (Acts 2:41).

2. You are beginning a changed life in Christ. “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” (Romans 6:4).

3. You are part of a new family. “So in Christ Jesus, you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptised into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” (Galatians 3:26–27).

Why do we fully immerse in water?

Every baptism in the BIBLE was by immersion.
The Greek word “baptize” means, “to immerse or submerge underwater.”

It also best represents the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Should I get baptised again?

Your baptism is a significant step, marking your changed life and a new commitment to follow Jesus. If your initial baptism didn’t symbolise this life change, and you doubt that you were even a Christian at the time, you probably were not baptised in the true Biblical sense.
If this is the case please speak to one of our Elders as you may want to consider being baptised with us, to fully embrace this new beginning with Jesus as your Lord and saviour.

Is Jesus your Lord and Saviour?
If yes then have you been baptised?