
God is the creator of the Heavens and the Earth.  He is Yahweh, the one who always was and will always be.  He is Holy and just and while he does not need us, through love he wants us.  He desires to have a relationship with his creation, men and women like you and me, which is made possible through his son Jesus Christ.

Find out more about who God is here >>

The Gospel

The gospel is the news that Jesus Christ, the Righteous One, died for our sins and rose again, eternally triumphant over all his enemies.  We have all failed God’s perfect standard and deserve eternal separation from his love, but through faith in Jesus, there is no condemnation for those who believe and make him their Lord, only everlasting joy. (John 3:16)

Find out more about the Gospel here >>

Becoming a Christian

Being a Christian is not about what you can do for God but recognising what Jesus has done for you.  You do not need to become a “good person” before Jesus will accept you, in fact, none of us could ever be good enough to earn his love. To become a Christian, you must accept God’s love for you and follow Jesus through faith.  Acknowledge that you have not lived up to his perfect standards (you have sinned), ask for forgiveness, commit yourself to Christ (repent) and invite the Holy Spirit to live within you
(Mark 1:15).

Find out more about becoming a Christian and your next steps here >>

Water Baptism

Jesus asks that all who want to follow him to repent (turn from their old life) and then get baptised.  Baptism is the public demonstration by an individual, acknowledging that they have been saved by grace through their faith in Jesus. This is depicted by being plunged underwater, symbolising the death, burial and resurrection in Jesus (Romans 4:9-12Romans 6:3-4).

Find out more about Baptism here >>


Communion is a symbolic meal, eaten with others, to remember Jesus and what He has accomplished for us on the cross (Matthew 26:26-28Luke 22:19-20).

We take communion together every first Sunday of the month, where we use Gluten Free Bread and Juice
Find out more about Communion here >>

Baptism in the Spirit

The Bible makes it clear that every Christian has the Holy Spirit.  Paul says: “If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ”. But not every Christian is filled with the Spirit.  That’s why Paul tells us to “be filled with the Spirit.”. Literally “go on being filled with the Spirit”. It is as though our lives are like a boiler – when we are born again – the pilot light goes on. Then when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the flame ignites, and godly power is displayed in our lives (Romans 8: 9, Ephesians 5:18)

Find out more about Baptism in the Spirit here >>